Thursday 26 January 2012

better the dare-devil you know

lately i feel as though i have been taking a few more chances, getting things done a little more sporadically yet efficiently (if that is even possible!), and trying some new things. what does this have to do with dare devils you ask? not much really but given that i'm usually a fairly calculated person i find it daring to step away from this and into a new side of me.

firstly i have started doing some occasional work offshore, on an oil rig, where i am often one of 2 or 3 females to about 85 guys. at first the idea of this scared the pants off me but i took a deep breath, psyched myself up and went for it. in actual fact it was so much fun and such a strange new experience that i am glad i talked myself into it. with these trips comes a degree of un-planning since they usually confirm my flights within 12 hours of flying out. this used to stress me out more than anything (i'm not a stress head whatsoever so this is a big thing for me) however now i have decided to just go with it. makes it much easier to deal with if i relax this way.

on a completely different note, my newfound diy obsession has had me scouring my wardrobe for things to cut up and run through the sewing machine, some of which were fairly pricey items at the time of purchase. last night i took a chance and actually put my scissors into one of these dresses and i am more than pleased with the results (you'll see this in an upcoming post). it took some guts for me to start cutting up a silk dress even though i haven't work the thing in over a year! i'm really glad i did though.

dying my hair blue and being a little more risk taking with fashion, hair and make-up is another new daring trend i've been getting into. for nights out you'd only ever see me with a smokey eye and long loose curled blonde hair, then i chopped all the hair off, dyed it brown-ish, grew it all back a dark dirty blonde and wear it up most if the time. i used to freak out about getting the slightest trim on my ends but the dare-devil me got my mum to cut a good 2 inches off last week, no sweat! and i've been rocking toned down eyes and bright lips all the time lately.

these things have really inspired me to take more chances, whether or not they are going to end up with happy faces or otherwise, and i feel like its a good thing to try new things every now and then. i am going to continue being a dare-devil and try new things as often as i can.

side note: proof reading this post i realised how lame this all sounds! i feel like a dare-devil and that's all that matters!

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